Why Choose Raw Milk from 100% Grass Fed Cows?

First of all, let us consider the issue of raw milk benefits versus pasteurized milk. And then we will consider the organic farming with 100% grass fed diets in pure pastures. Such farming yields extra CLA. And raw, non-homogenized milk benefits include the alkaline phosphatase enzyme. Pasteurization kills phosphatase enzymes.

Is stead of asking why should I drink raw milk, ask why should I drink pasteurized milk? Interesting just a few years ago everyone sold raw milk.

In 1862, Louis Pasteur invented the concept of Pasteurization. (This term has nothing to do with grassy pastures – the inventor’s name sourced the term Pasteurization.)  Now more recently, pasteurization is being questioned as wide spread. And you must understand this important fact: heat resistant pathogens can be found in pasteurized milk. And so, pasteurization does not always kill harmful pathogens.

According to historical information, during the mid and late 1800s, milk production was from very undesirable conditions which lead poor quality milk and then even to the spread of diseases such as typhoid fever and tuberculosis.

100% Grass Fed Raw Milk Needs No Added Coloring!

During those dark dairy days, dairies produced milk very poor in nature. In fact some of the dairies added chalk, starch and even plaster of Paris to try to enrich the milk color and taste. (Did you know that today milk suppliers add color to skim milk? Yes, they also place Titanium Dioxide in skim milk to enhance the color to a more whitish look than the bluish color it is naturally.)

For some time, stores sold pasteurized milk along side raw milk. Following World War II from 1944 to 1946, there was a real outcry that raw milk will sicken and perhaps even kill you. In 1944, Ladies Home Journal ran an article stating that raw milk caused many people to become sick with undulant fever (Brucellosis). Later other publications such as Reader’s Digest and Progressive Magazine. Legislation then eventually forbid the sale of raw milk.

Then the first state to ban raw milk sales was Michigan in 1947. Previous to this was an increase of regulations on milk, especially in urban areas. As early as 1907-1908, Chicago has banned the sale of raw milk. The cry was that raw milk was not safe. And admittedly, it was not all safe due to the practices and conditions of producing it in some of the dairies, especially those associated with the distilleries.

As of February 2013 raw milk sales are legal in 38 states, with different regulations and practices. Yet the concerns remain: Is Raw Milk Really Safe?

Source of Raw Milk is Important

Perhaps the best way to answer this question is to understand where the milk is coming from; how it has been handled; and what is the history of the farm/farmer producing the raw milk. But we must always remember that any food we eat can cause food borne illness.

Is food borne illness found only in raw milk? Even sometimes pasteurized milk, contaminated with harmful pathogens, causes food borne illnesses. Compared to raw milk, statistics show 515 times more illnesses from L-mono due to deli meats and 29 times more illness from L-mono originating with pasteurized milk.

Pasteurization denatures milk. In the early days of pasteurization, scientists noted a considerable devaluation of the health-giving properties of milk in the pasteurized milk. Today studies show a change of the nutrition after the process. The denatured status of pasteurized milk is prompting many to consider raw milk benefits.

We understand that our bodies do need vitamins, minerals, and healthful enzymes in raw milk enzymes in order to function properly. An example to consider, the Phosphatase enzyme naturally in milk, is killed during pasteurization. And this enzyme aids the body in absorbing the calcium in the milk. Besides, other enzymes, such as amylase and lactase help digest the milk sugars.

For hundreds of years, raw milk has been considered a healthful source of easily digested nutrition. Cows’ milk is hard to digest. Perhaps this is due to the common treatment of it prior to it being consumed, removing the 60 plus enzymes are found in raw milk that may be needed for digestion. Remember the importance of the phosphatase enzyme.

Does Pasteurization cause Allergic Reactions?

Lactose intolerance has increased drastically in the last number of years. Reports say that forty million Americans are to be lactose intolerant.  One study showed that 80% of people that were “lactose intolerant” can consume raw milk with no problem. Is Raw Milk the answer?

Again not all dairies produce milk in conditions fit for selling it raw. Today is the same as it was in the yesteryear — living conditions are important. Sustainable animal husbandry is more likely to produce a safe source of food. And we must admit that the larger the concentration of animals in one given area, the more intense the disease factors become.  Approximately 40% of all cows have some form of mastitis.

It is clearly know that mastitis affects the nutrient quality of milk, such as a reduction of potassium and calcium and other values. A significate increase in sodium and Chloride in the infected milk is another result of mastitis.

Grass fed cows produce a better milk with much less mastitis problems. Swiss Villa offers non-homogenized raw milk from 100% grass fed cows. Yes, remember there is a difference on 100% grass fed from the grass fed which also has grain in the diet.

100% Grass Fed Raw Milk Benefits Us with Healthful CLA Fats

The grains reduce the CLA levels which are cancer fighting, tumor reducing healthful fats. We find these good fats in the highest levels in 100% grass fed animal products. You can also enjoy weight management with CLA fats.

Furthermore, cows digest grass the best, therefore giving them the best health. As cows are feeding on the grasses, they are enjoying the freshness of the night air and the vibrancy of the morning sun. They endure much less stress. And this bring better health for the cow than living indoors, under a roof on concrete floors.

This is just another of the raw milk benefits of drinking 100% grass fed raw milk.

Locavores Love Organic Farming with 100% Grass Fed Cows

Look for 100% grass fed dairy products. Besides the 100% Raw cow milk from Swiss Villa, Lancaster Local offer 100% grass fed com milk yogurt. Then too, Oasis at Bird-in-Hand makes 100% Grass fed butter. And the Swiss Villa 100% grass fed raw cow milk cheeses Please defining palates.

And raw milk has the healthful cream on the top! That is because Raw Milk is Non-Homogenized. Some have registered concerns about the homogenization process. Is homogenization destructive to milk?  Some doctors have proven it while others yet argue it is not the case. These naturally occurring fats found in non-homogenized milk in their natural manner reduce heart attacks.

Additionally, 100% grass fed cows provide us with eco-friendly milk. And such farming encourages local trade. Only small farms can produce 100% grass fed cow milk as you cannot effectively place large herds in daily pastures. Organically farmed raw milk from 100% grass fed cows is the best choice.

100% Grass Fed Raw Milk Might Best for Our Health

Doctors have treated many conditions such as insomnia, stomach ulcers, diabetes, edema, constipation, tuberculosis, gallstones with raw milk. Also some have treated indigestion with raw milk as a medicinal cleanse. And now in recent times people are using raw milk fasts for treating Lyme’s disease. One person only consumed raw milk for 100 days due to treating for Lyme’s disease.

And perhaps quite surprising, a raw milk is at times used for weight loss. Some folks use raw milk along with other foods but some restrict it to only raw milk.

And take note that raw milk is very nutrient dense. But is it safe? Every person needs to make their personal choice, understanding that any food has potential of making them sick at some time. And so remember, food borne illnesses can come from bread, veggies, meat, or milk.

We welcome you to try our Swiss Villa 100% Grass Fed, Fresh Non-Homogenized Raw Milk with the living phosphatase enzyme; a small cow herd with organic farming, reproduced with A2A2 protein genetics.  And we give you the best possible proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins, along with the alkaline phosphatase enzyme for your health.

Swiss Villa Raw Milk from A2A2 Protein Genetic Cows

We are anticipating a soon 100% A2A2 herd. Our farmer has been using A2A2 genetics for a number of years and hopes to soon sell off the few cows that do not qualify for this in the near future. Another of the raw milk benefits from Swiss Villa cow milk.

And for Additional Study on 100% Grass Fed Raw Milk Benefits, We Recommend:

Raw Milk Reality by Chris Kresser

Health Benefits of Raw Milk by Dr Deborah MD

6 Reasons Why Raw Milk is Special by Empowered Sustenance

10 Reasons to Drink Your Milk Raw by the Nourished Kitchen

Raw Milk Answer Book by David E. Gumpert

The Raw Milk Revolution by David E. Gumpert (with Foreword by Joel Salatin)

The Untold Story of Milk by Ron Schmid, ND

Raw Milk – History, Health Benefits and Distortions by Ron Schmid, ND

The Raw Truth About Milk by William Campbell Douglas

Or using 100% Grass Fed Raw Milk to fight sickness or to lose weight, consider:

Raw Milk Diet for 30 Days by Link Holistic

Raw Milk Fast: Are You Ready? By The Healthy Home Economist

The Connection between Whole Raw Milk and Weight Loss by Traditionally Me

Does the Milk Diet Help You Lose Weight? By the Nourished Life

The Raw Milk Diet: A Physician’s Experience with Real Healing by Campaign for Real Health

The Real Milk Diet: Old School Raw Remedy Treats Modern Disease by Natural News

Curing Chronic Lyme Disease: The Raw Milk Diet by Curing Chronic

Please note that we cannot promise any cures or results by using our raw milk. The FDA does not endorse many of the thoughts and claims shared by numerous folks who have used raw milk for their various needs. And so, we simply wish to share with you what others have shared that benefited them. Find your own conclusions on raw milk benefits.


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