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Spring Brings Sheep Milk Again
On a cool, cloudy, windy day in January, are you thinking about spring? Well, little lambs are bringing signs of the coming spring. These tender little animals ingest a very rich milk, nutrient dense that you might find excellent for your diet. Have lactose intolerance? Try raw sheep milk. Don’t enjoy goat milk for the gamey taste? Study the taste profiles of sheep milk. Struggle with asthma phlegm from cow milk? Look at raw sheep milk. Wanting CLA for weight loss or cancer concerns? Sip some raw sheep milk daily. Raw milk from sheep holds health benefits.
Sheep Milk Tastes Wonderful
You immediately turned up your nose at the thought. But now don’t settle for that conclusion until you try it. We’ve heard how disgusting goat milk tastes — like the billy goat. And so the thought of sheep milk, well, that seems so unheard of.
But in reality, many folks throughout the world enjoy sheep’s milk as a staple of life. And there is nothing wooly about drinking it either. In fact, we have been missing something in America by focusing on massive production of cow milk at the expense of health benefits from sheep milk and other milk as well.
Basically, the sweetness of sheep milk remains undiscovered to most Americans. If you have a chance, please just give it an honest try. It leaves your palate with very clean, chalk-free, unlike that of a heavy cream cow milk even though it holds more creaminess.
First Milk of Season Tastes a Bit Stronger
But along with the excitement of fresh sheep milk comes the realist part. That is the taste of the sheep milk for the first few weeks. Newly lactating sheep give milk that varies from what it is throughout the majority of the production season. Be sure you don’t form your opinion on sheep milk with a taste test on this milk if you think it is too strong. it may have a temporary stronger flavor the first month of the season. Â
This taste is called the colostrum taste. To some, it is repulsive. But to others, they consider this premium milk since this milk holds more special qualities for the newborn to get established. This milk is not really true colostrum but does likely hold higher nutrients since the mother sheep has not been milking for a few months and would have stored more minerals and other nutrients in her body for the young newborn lamb’s nutrient source. Yet some folks still view this as colostrum milk and will be extra excited to get their hands of this colostrum flavored milk. But then others may want to hold off until the other is available.
Raw Sheep Milk Equates Less Allergic Reactions
 Lactose intolerance does not mean you cannot have sheep milk. In fact, Sheep milk does have more lactose than cow milk. However, the noteworthy point is that the lactose molecules present are much smaller and assimilate into our digestion much easier than those from cow milk. And while many opt for goat milk as it also is easier-to-digest, raw sheep milk goes even deeper into the easier-to-digest attributes.
And so, many folks who deal with lactose intolerance to cow milk enjoy raw sheep milk without any difficulty. But as always, remember that every body may respond differently.Â
Then too, while some folks find goat milk to gamey tasting to enjoy, they might find sheep’s milk to be a milk that comes with all the true nutrient values of true milk versus the limited nutrients infused into nut milks.
Better for Asthma
Case Adams, in the book Asthma Solved Naturally, lists sheep’s milk along with donkey milk and other raw milks that can actually help reduce asthma. And consequently  with less allergic reactions to the milk from sheep, we would expect less asthma difficulty from this milk.
Compare the Higher Nutrients of Sheep Milk
Yes compare the nutrients on this chart of nutrients comparing sheep’s milk to other milks. You will see this chart rates the butter fat at 7.9 for sheep’s milk and 4.0 for cow milk. Protein comes in at 6.2 for the sheep’s milk and cow at 3.3 and goat follows at 3.1. Note the calcium at 193 for sheep and 122 for cow milk. Then Vitamin C comes in on sheep milk at 4.16 versus cow milk at .94. Niacin (B2) yields from sheep milk are .416 while cow milk trails at .16. Take some time to study this chart if you care to. You will find it interesting.
Sheep’s milk holds more CLA than any other mammal. And you will note an unusual whiteness in sheep’s milk due to the higher carotene content.Â
Raw Milk Real Milk
Health benefits of raw milk keep popping up. And really, why be surprised? God made, natural, whole foods, are the best always. And denaturing them brings complications to our digestive systems.