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Looking for old fashioned, simple pickled eggs recipes? Well, you have come to the right spot, my friend. From the best pickled eggs recipe to answers to all of your questions concerning pickled eggs, let the learning begin!

Do you have Red Beet Pickled Eggs on hand?
Red beet pickled eggs provide high-protein snacks for weight loss. But they are great to eat as a side dish with any meal. Or you may want to use them in egg recipes such as deviled eggs. Want to know when to serve them? Use red beet pickled eggs for winter meals or summer picnics!
Pickled eggs ring another bell of common food from my childhood. Mother would cook up a kettle of older eggs when our hens were laying more eggs than we were selling. And then our family would enjoy what many call Pennsylvania Dutch Red Beet eggs. To us, they were just pickled eggs and….mmmmm, they were delicious!
Are Pickled Eggs And Red Beets Good For You?
Yes, yes, yes! Red beet pickled eggs are an amazing addition to your daily nutrition intake. First, let’s go over the health benefits of red beets:
- Iron is available in every bite of red beets, which helps to stimulate blood health.
- Lutein, valuable for eye health, is present in red beets.
- Adding pickled red beets to your diet can increase your digestion health and can be valuable for a detox.
- Red beets help your body fight inflammation and help lower blood pressure.
Now, ready to review some health benefits of pickled eggs?
- Because pickled eggs contain low calories, they are a wonderful addition to a weight management program.
- As a good source of vitamin D, each bite may contribute to bone health and calcium absorption.
- Many minerals are contained in pickled eggs, including zinc, vitamin A, iron, vitamin B12, chlorine, and more.
- In general, eggs are high in protein (each egg includes 6 grams of protein), giving you all the needed amino acids in your body.
- Remember how lutein is present in pickled beets? Well, they also come in the yokes of eggs!
Hurray for the red beet eggs! They bring health to the table! And provide healthy high-protein snacks! If you are feeling a bit lazy and simply want to buy pickled red beets, we sell all-natural pickled red beets.

What Do You Put In Pickled Eggs
When it comes to making delicious pickled eggs that are bursting with both flavor and nutrition, you will need the following ingredients:
- Eggs
- Sugar (or raw honey)
- Vinegar
- Red beets
- Water
- Salt
That’s it! You’ll find that most of these ingredients are on hand, making this an easy experience. Keep reading for my best-pickled egg recipe…a simple addition to your everyday life.
Simple, Traditional Pickled Egg Recipe
If you’re asking yourself, “How do I make pickled eggs with beets,” you’ve come to the right place. I’ve created a recipe that combines traditional pickled eggs with beets, a wonderful duo!
Once you have the peeled eggs, the recipe is very simple. I call it my 2, 3, 4 recipe. I use 2 parts sugar (or 1.5 for raw honey), 3 parts vinegar, and 4 parts red beets in their juice. For example, if I want to pickle 1 dozen eggs, I will use the following:
1 dozen hard-boiled eggs
2 cups sugar (or 1.5 cups raw honey)
3 cups vinegar
4 cups canned red beets in water
½ teaspoon of salt
Dissolve the sugar or honey in the vinegar. Place the eggs into a gallon jar or other tall container to keep the eggs submerged in the brine. Put red beets on the top of the eggs and pour in the vinegar and sweetener with the salt. Keep in refrigeration.
Allow at least 2 days for the eggs to be colored and flavored well. After the first day, a thin layer around the outer edge of the whites will be colored and flavored. You may serve them like that, especially if you use these as deviled eggs or some other egg recipe where you cut them in half and only want a coloring on the outside without caring about the flavor.
Feel free to save this 2, 3, 4 idea with your egg recipes. Use more eggs for high-protein snacks and healthy food for weight loss and naturally good sustenance.
The biggest challenge most folks encounter when working with hard-boiled egg recipes is peeling the eggs. But if you try the icy water technique that I find to be the best, maybe your family and friends will enjoy more of these high-protein nuggets on a regular basis. Have a wonderful time in the kitchen!

Make Pickled Eggs Now And Eat Later
You may keep these eggs in this brine for up to a week or longer. The longer they stay in this brine, the more the color will penetrate the eggs. Eventually, the yolks will look discolored by the red beet juice and will not present the beauty usually associated with the red beet pickled eggs.
You can slice these eggs onto a green leafy salad for a colorful dish as well as a flavorful one. Or you may want to cut them in half and place them on an egg plate to serve your family and guests.
You may find varied ways to enhance them from here. Arrange fresh parsley around them. Sprinkle a bit of dill weed over the top. Or place a bit of Mayo on them. They can add a high level of beauty to a table of food.
And do not forget these pickled eggs make excellent snacks for after-school treats or packed lunches. There’s no reason to neglect breakfast! Keep a jar of these in the fridge for any morning when you don’t feel you have time to sit down for a healthy breakfast.
Alternatively, you can use them for your supply of eggs during the egg diet for weight loss. Some folks recommend eating at least 6 eggs and even more per day for weight loss. Certainly, if you are considering a keto diet, eggs provide high-protein snacks.

Choose Small Farmed, Local Eggs For Pickling
Remember to use pasture-raised eggs for the best source of nutrients. Even if the yolks of some commercial eggs look bright like a pasture-raised egg, it may be a result of adding certain ingredients in the feed to make consumers think they are getting a value-added egg while only getting a commodity product. True pasture-raised eggs contain more CLA and other values that enhance weight loss and healthful body maintenance.
How Long Are Pickled Eggs Good For In The Fridge?
Generally, you can store your pickled eggs in the fridge for around 3-4 months. There are, however, a few things to keep in mind:
- Store in an airtight container, submerging all pickled eggs in the pickling brine.
- Make sure the eggs you use in pickling are fresh.
- Keep the jar of pickled eggs in the fridge at all times.
- From time to time, ensure that no spoilage has occurred by checking for mold or nasty smells.

How Long Do Pickled Eggs Last Without Refrigeration?
In short, it is not recommended to leave your pickled eggs without refrigeration. If you do end up leaving your pickled eggs outside on the counter (or other space) for more than 2 hours, discard them immediately in order to ensure that no one suffers from food poisoning.
You might be thinking, Doesn’t the pickling process preserve the eggs? In a way, it does! But unfortunately, they are still perishable and can develop harmful bacteria. By placing your nutritious pickled eggs in the refrigerator, you will protect them from the growth of harmful bacteria.
How To Make Pickled Eggs With Beets
If you are searching for a perfect recipe for making pickled eggs with beets, then you have found the right place. Read our recipe for all the inside details and procedures.
Do Pickled Eggs Have To Be Refrigerated?
Yes, pickled eggs must be refrigerated to stop the growth of harmful bacteria.
Can Pickled Eggs Go Bad?
Sadly, yes. If you leave your pickled eggs out at room temperature, they will spoil. And even when refrigerated, pickled eggs will not last forever (just like all good things, I suppose). Thankfully, you can enjoy refrigerated pickled eggs for 3-4 months when stored in an airtight container.
Can You Pickle Eggs Just By Putting Them In Vinegar?
Not quite! While vinegar is the base, there are a few things to keep in mind. We recommend that you use the 2, 3 method when using vinegar to pickle your eggs. This means that you will use 2 cups of sugar and 3 cups of vinegar to pickle an entire dozen hard-boiled eggs.
Wrapping Up
Thank you so much for joining me on this riveting discussion on pickled eggs! If you are searching for quality pickled red beets, we sell all-natural pickled red beets which are ready to pop open and devour! Don’t forget to check out our great egg and beet selections to get you started!
Shop Natural Cage Free Eggs

Shop Canned And Fermented Beets