Best Buttermilk Is Real Buttermilk

organic buttermilkIn the old-fashion farm kitchen, Buttermilk was a staple. And little wonder the buttermilk pancakes were fabulous! But something happened to the real stuff. In fact, it almost takes a top chef to know the true characteristics of it. But really, there is no such thing as true buttermilk made with skim milk. Even organic buttermilk may not be real. Perhaps you will even start asking, “How do you make buttermilk?” for to bathe in. But you might just buy some as a result of the Oasis at Bird-in-Hand butter.

Farming has Changed the Home Cooking

Diverse farms of yester-year churned butter from their grass fed family farm cows. The liquid by-product of the making butter was known as buttermilk. And rightly so.

The milk left over from the butter solids collecting together provided a wonderful ingredient for baking. And as this fluid sat in the ambient temperatures, lactobacilli bacteria turned the remaining sugars into lactic acid, making a healthful drink for stomach disorders. And with the need for sustainability, they did not waste anything, even if it did taste sour due to fermentation of milk sugars.

But as specialized farming turned food sources into CAFOs and factory farms, real butter milk died out in the marketplace. A façade of it called buttermilk now is widely distributed without the nutrient dense attributes of the true.

Manufactured Buttermilk made from Watery Skim Milk

Industrial milk plants greatly value cream, the concentration of the fats in milk. Consequently, they skim the cream off the milk and use the skim milk for the base of a phony buttermilk. More money can be gained through this method. Furthermore, the pseudo dangers of healthful fats assisted in the marketing of this low fat manufactured product. Thus skim milk replica primarily stands as the only type available. Ask your local dairy, “How do you make buttermilk?”

But real buttermilk holds nutria dense values not found in the make- believe buttermilk from culturing skim milk. Let’s look at some of the factors and what they offer.

Buttermilk is more Hydrating than Water

But the common source for it today is not cream churned into butter. Rather it is made from watery skim milk. But yet this lacks the hydrating powers of the real. Traditional buttermilk contains 91% to 92% water. But the water in this product is bound to proteins which slowly absorb into the body from the intestines. Thus it boasts of being one of the best sources of water!

Now earlier I mentioned about bathing in this milk product. Yes, and numerous lotions and facial creams testify of its goodness. Consider this food from Oasis at Bird-in-Hand for feeding your skin.

Provides Healthful Lecithin

During the butter making process, the milk lecithin in the membranes of the fat globules are changed. This then allows the fats to bind together into globs of butter. But the lecithin remains in the liquid by-product.

Lecithin is very valuable in the composition of cell membranes. And it is good for helping to replenish supplies of choline and vitamin B4. But cognitive function might be the most notable; lecithin is important for brain function.

Besides the lecithin remaining in the milk, phospholipids also tarry there. Both of these ingredients bring health to cell membranes. Also phospholipids assist in breaking down fats in the stomach, making them easier to digest.  

Lots of Vitamins plus Minerals

The natural fermentation process that happened on the kitchen counter in great Grandmother’s house produced a sour taste. Now today, studies reveal the values of this sour fermenting process of lactobacilli. As a matter of fact, we now eat popular items such as yogurt and more recently raw kombucha, kimchi, and red beet kvass.

Interestingly, this fermentation process produces Vitamin B, even some types such as Biotin that assists in the assimilation of other B vitamins. Calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium all are realized from this old fashioned drink.

Better Buttermilk Pancakes

organic buttermilk pancakesSuch a common term, but why? One reason this ingredient yields such wonderful baked goods is that the cultures enhance the leavens, bringing a lighter and fluffier baked good. And since pancakes have old-fashioned nostalgia from true family farms, the term has maintained its popularity even today.

Using 100% Grass Fed Organic Buttermilk from Oasis at Bird-in-Hand

Swiss Villa acts as a liaison between small producers and the marketplace as an “AGgregator” in the local farm to table movement. We work with independent locally owned markets in the health food and grocery industry. We focus on 100% grass fed cow milk products along with other organically farmed goods.

Oasis at Bird-in-Hand has set up a small milk processing facility to assist local and very small scale farming with sustainability. They have produced a premium butter much like a European butter. And the along with the butter comes the true buttermilk. Since 100% grass fed cream was used to the butter, the by-product is as 100% grass fed. This makes it even more of a nutrient dense food.

And besides that, choose the offering from Oasis at Bird-in-Hand since it is cultured with lactobacilli bacteria to produce a lively food with vitality!

How do you make buttermilk?

And so, how do you make buttermilk? Well if you are still wondering how do you make buttermilk, just try making butter. Then you will naturally have it! Perhaps you even wish for raw butter and can benefit from the raw by-product as well. If you have availability of local raw milk, you can make your own raw buttermilk with all the natural enzymes still in it.

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